InterContinental Railway Project Summary

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project background

The InterContinental Railway (ICR) involves the design, engineering and construction of nearly 5,500 miles of new railroad, connecting existing railroad networks from Yakutsk in Eastern Russia, across the Bering Strait and Alaska to Fort Nelson, Canada to create a continuous rail transportation link between North America, Russia, Asia and Europe. Although the entire railway is below the Arctic Circle, the project will require the construction of the longest railway tunnel in the world - a 70 mile long tunnel more than 160 feet deep under the Bering Strait. Dual gauge tracks or wheel gauge changing technology would be required for train operation across Eastern Russia.

The InterContinental Railway is projected to carry at least 100 Million Gross Tons (MGT) annually of double stack container unit trains, coal, grain, oil unit trains and automobile shipments for foreign trade between the United States, Canada, Russia, China, Japan and Europe. Shipping via ICR trains will take less than half the time of ocean shipping and avoids expensive and time consuming cargo transfers and the delays of ships waiting for berths at seaports. A proposed Trans Korean Main Line would also provide direct service to North and South Korea.

The total cost of the $100+ billion dollar project would be financed by access to resource development rights along the route, waybill fees for shipments, government incentives and low interest government loans.

project infrastructure elements

North America: Fort Nelson, Canada (existing rail network terminal) to Fairbanks and Wales, Alaska - 3,030 miles (80 miles currently under construction as part of the Alaska Railroad’s Northern Rail Extension Project)

Bering Strait Tunnel: 70 miles (includes mid-point vent shafts on Big and Little Diomede islands)

Russia: Uelen - Yakutsk (existing rail network terminal) 2,392 miles of dual gauge railroad

Electrification through the Bering Strait tunnels and over most of the route would be powered by numerous hydro-electric sources along the route.

Project would also evaluate the feasibility for transmission lines, fiber optic links, oil and natural gas pipelines

constructibility issues

operations and markets to be served

Over 70 miles of spoils from construction of the dual Bering Strait Tunnels will provide significant amounts of fill for the grading of the railroad in Russia and North America.

Most Bering Strait Tunnel construction activities limited to four month “warm weather” windows

Construction logistics will require ocean shipping support of materials and equipment to the Bering Strait

Bering Strait Tunnels will require design and construction of an electrification system

Dual gauge design and construction required over broad gauge network in Eastern Russia for through operation of unit trains between North America and Asia

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Provides transportation between Asia and North America in less the half of the time of ocean shipping on a joint railway line with multiple railroads offering service

Shipment of automobiles and parts between plants and markets without delay of two port transfers

With $50+/barrel oil, rail is a faster, more cost effective alternative than ocean shipping via the Pacific Ocean/Panama Canal and Trans-Arctic Ocean routes

Provides flexible international market access for North American oil, grain and coal exports

Bypasses the environmental and port expansion constraints of Trans-Pacific shipping

operations and markets to be served

Provides transportation between Asia and North America in less the half of the time of ocean shipping on a joint railway line with multiple railroads offering service

Shipment of automobiles and parts between plants and markets without delay of two port transfers

With $50+/barrel oil, rail is a faster, more cost effective alternative than ocean shipping via the Pacific Ocean/Panama Canal and Trans-Arctic Ocean routes

Provides flexible international market access for North American oil, grain and coal exports

Bypasses the environmental and port expansion constraints of Trans-Pacific shipping

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