
ICR team meet with the Bering Straits Native Corporation

31 August 2018: InterContinental Railway founders George Koumal and chief project advisor Scott Spencer met with Vice-President of Corporate Development Z. Daniel Graham and Vice-President Media and External Affairs Matt Ganley of the Bering Straits Native Corporation today. Mr. Graham and Mr. Ganley were interested to hear about Mr. Koumal and Mr. Spencer's recent trip to Nome, Wales, and Diomede, all of which lie within the jurisdiction of the Bering Straits Native Corporation. The four discussed at length the developmental challenges of the Bering Strait region and how the InterContinental Railway could play a key role in providing much-needed transportation and infrastructure to the area. Mr. Graham and Mr. Ganley were very supportive of the ICR, and discussed introducing the project to their board in the near future.

ICR team speak at World Trade Center luncheon in Anchorage

29 August 2018: InterContinental Railway founders George Koumal and Joseph Henri and chief project advisor Scott Spencer were the guest speakers at today's World Trade Center luncheon in Anchorage, Alaska. It was an excellent opportunity to discuss the project with key members of the Anchorage business community, who were quick to realise the many economic benefits the ICR would bring to Anchorage and the state of Alaska.